Mission & History
Our Mission: Educate Girls for a Better World
Our purpose is to increase girls’ access to education in underserved communities in Pakistan. The impact of educating girls in any community is significant. Educated girls marry later and have lower fertility rates. They are also more likely to engage in paid employment, and to make social and political contributions to society.
The Hoshyar Foundation works through local partners. We offer assistance to pay teachers’ salaries and transportation, keep at-risk schools open, provide funds to rent temporary facilities, and support literacy and job training programs. Our approach targets what communities have identified as their own needs. The resources we distribute help them to realize their vision.
Our History

Since its founding in 2007, Hoshyar has raised over $1,000,000. During this time, we have constructed and operated some fourteen schools in partnership with Friends Welfare Association in Pakistan. We also built and continue to support the twelve-room Al-Hamd school, which offers nursery through post-secondary instruction in Baagarian village outside Lahore. More than 1,500 young women have matriculated from Hoshyar-sponsored high schools. Dozens and dozens have gone on to earn higher degrees.
Additionally, we set up three adult literacy and vocational training centers in Lahore; helped rebuild twelve war-damaged schools in the Swat valley; and assisted with the rehabilitation of five primary schools in Indus-Kohistan.
Our secular educational approach is fundamental to our mission. Secular education provides an alternative to religious extremism and helps to connect students with the rest of the world. Additionally, we do not accept money from any governmental entity. This increases our credibility and enables us to work directly with our local partners. All funds are raised through individual donations and foundation grants.
We are a professional non-profit organization dedicated to this region and this cause. Hoshyar’s two co-founders, Carla Petievich and Kathryn Hansen, are established scholars of South Asian studies. All of our board members have experience on the ground in South Asia. Most hold advanced degrees in South Asian studies, and four worked in managing operations in India or Pakistan.